We’re disrupting classic delivery models in health and education to deliver better outcomes, and accelerating the shift to a decarbonized economy through clean tech.
These three areas align with UN Development Goals #3, #4 and #13. We connect the opportunities of technology and business with the understanding of the social and environmental challenges.
Health innovation
Good health is a human right. We’re excited about improvements in health outcomes and healthcare efficiencies that stem from technology applications. Precision medicine and big data for research innovation; reduced barriers to therapies such as mental health; and diagnostic tech for immediate improved outcomes are on their way.
Next generation Education
We believe technology can enable inclusive education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. We’re excited to solve for Quality Education and increase the number of youth and adults with relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship (SDG 4.4).
Clean Tech transformation
We need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. There is an opportunity to reduce a minimum of $20 Trillion in economic damages if global warming remains under 1.5C instead of 2.0C (Burke et al, 2019 Nature). We are looking at software applications to measure and reduce energy use and allow more clean energy to come onto the grid – and we’re investing in technologies and applications to reduce or sequester carbon emissions at the root. Manufacturing – including textile production, and waste and agriculture and food production – is also an area we’re interested in.